
S.C. Mondo Mobile Design S.R.L.

We, at Mondo Mobile Design, have specialized in realizing and rendering customers’ visions – be it through impressive 3D architectural representations, indoors and outdoors, or through the realization of furniture and other consumer products in 3D, according to customer specifications. Incl. Video editing.
Fast and cost-efficient

Business Information

Physical Adress:
115500, Arges, Romania

Business Information:
Name: S.C. Mondo Mobile Design S.R.L.
EUROPEAN VAT Number: RO35207174
Registry Number: J03/1493/2015
Established in 06 November 2015.

Philip Gabriel M.

– 1992 born and raised in Germany
– 2000-2004 attended Klosterhof-Schule in Ostfildern, Nellingen, Germany
– 2004-2007 attended Riegelhof-Realschule in Ostfildern, Nellingen, Germany
– 2007 Accepted the position as second stuntman at MARAN Films for “Ein Fall für B.A.R.Z.”
– 2007 moved to Romania and learned the romanian language
– 2007-2008 attended “Ion Mihalache” Higschool in Topoloveni, Romania.
– 2008 started to work with adobe Photoshop and adobe Illustrator and other creative software solutions.
– 2009 started to work with Blender and Cinema4D and other creative software solutions.
– 2008-2012 attended art-highschool “Dinu-Lipatti” Pitesti.
– 2012 accepted as Student at the University of Art; Graphic Design Department
– 2012-2014 attended various trainings in marketing, print, and design in Germany (MAMACOM & BRISKY MEDIA) , as well as in Romania (GAMA GRAFIK), whilst doing freelance jobs.
– 2015 Founded S.C. Mondo Mobile Design S.R.L. ..!

… and since 2015 we have been hard at work keeping our clients happy.