2024 - Let's start (again)!

We are eager to explore the market again and deliver cost-efficient design solutions to brand new clients!

We are eager to explore the market again and deliver cost-efficient design solutions to brand new clients!

2023 - New Site, New Identity, New Me.

It’s June. It’s hot. I’m bored.
On a personal note: I’ve almost forgot what boredom feels like. No clients. No motivation.
So we decided to create a brand new website, brand new computer graphics video, a brand new strategy and a brand new vision.
Taking ourselves as clients, which is harder than it sounds, because this specific client..(us).. was problematic, never fully happy with the result.

2022 - Consultation, Consultation, Consultation...

We have been consulting loyal clients since 2015:
The workload increased a lot during 2021 and 2022, leaving us with little time for our own projects and even less time for new clients.
Although the workload was big, we did enjoy to have the opportunity to learn from other diverse business fields and we consider that the experience was invaluable.

2021 - New Software and time invested into R&D

2021 was the year of new Software acquisition! 
Whilst everything else was on autopilot again, we acquired the rights for new software, new textures, new scenery, new models, new hardware, new, new, new..
That year was extraordinarily exciting, because we primarily learned:
Deepening our knowledge in Graphic Design, Web Design, 3D Modelling, 3D Texturing, Game-Engines, Video-Games, Lighting, PBR Textures and much much more.

2020 - R&D and Selling; The second cycle.

We did it (again)! After the success of our outdoor furniture line, we decided to to launch one more product!
A smartly designed open kitchen cabinet, in different finishes.
With a solid marketing strategy, existing client-base, and freshly created advertising material, we went on with the client acquisition.

2019 - A project here, a project there.

2019 Was a quiet but enjoyable year. We collaborated with companies all over Europe, whilst continuing with research and development.

2018 - Diverse Year, Diverse Projects.

Whilst the furniture sales were on autopilot, we had the opportunity to invest time into various fields, including:
Architectural Visualizations, Product Advertising, App-Designs, Game-Asset, Illustrations, Graphic Design, Web-Design, Game-Engines and more..

2017 - The Year of R&D and Sales

We did it! The competition was fierce, but the design and quality of our products was chosen to be bought by diverse clients.
In that year we succesfully focused our efforts towards marketing, advertising, and client acquisition.

2016 - Research and Development

The road was chosen. Industrial Design it is.
We started creating designs and blueprints for a diverse line of fold-able and static outdoor furniture, whilst finding manufacturers that were willing to produce and test the products we designed.
In the meantime we were fortunate enough to advance in the department of computer graphics and create a solid marketing and advertising strategy for the new products.

2015 - New beginnings: Mondo Mobile Design was founded.

After spending more than half a decade learning to be an artist and designer, from graphic design to industrial design, including 3D, I finally founded the company: Mondo Mobile Design SRL (formerly SRL-D). With a fresh mind, new ideas, and a bag full of software knowledge, I wanted to take on the world with our creative solutions.